Friday, March 23, 2012

A New Chapter...

It's Finally Here!
***S-P-R-I-N-G       B-R-E-A-K!!***
(these are the tulips B and N planted--aren't they beauti-mous!)

It really could not have come at a better time.
While most college students are probably partying poolside drunk in some exotic place
This college woman is having her own type of party...

A "catching up on all I've been slacking on" kind of party.
A "clean house, laundry foldin', hanging out with my girl, sleeping in, watching TV (what is that?)" kind of party.

OK most likely not... unless your a mother and a student then you feel me.

I've also been super stressed playing the waiting game with B.
He applied for a job he REALLY wanted--
 was to the point he was HATING was he was currently doing (serious burnout)--
 and meanwhile I was PRAYING God would help direct us to what we were supposed to do.
He GOT it!
**Happy Dance**

He starts in a week.
We feel so thankful. Over 180 people applied for this one position.
**Happy Dance with Jazz Hands** ;)

We are excited for this new chapter in our lives and what lies ahead in our journey.
 We continue to be patient (although it is with white knuckles somedays) for more news about our adoption progress.
We know that we have somewhat limited ourselves in our choice of wanting only a girl and only a newborn.
Although super frustrating at times, this still "feels" right for us.
I have to continue to remind myself of this...

I heart this.

Happy Spring everyone =)
