Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Just a short update...
The birthmother we were interested in couldn't choose a family.
She had been holding onto the family profiles for a few days and either has had second thoughts about keeping the baby herself or didn't connect with the set of profiles she received ~ (ours being one)

We were told that we would continue our wait for another birthmother unless they hear from her otherwise.

I'm officially done with the semester and received all A's for my work.
I will be starting a summer class here shortly so I'm enjoying my freedom at the moment.
Just wanted to update you all on the progress made or lack there-of with our adoption journey.
I wish I had better news. =(
We continue to ask for prayers.

1 comment:

  1. :) for the all A's! :( for the other non-news. I'm a prayin!
