Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Calendars are overrated

I finally am feelin' my school groove again.
I survived my first online chat and message boards,
learned how to use a plethora of new computer programs,
turned in my first couple of assignments already,
and they came back 100%.  WooT!

I'm Baaaaaack!

Although--stress is still running pretty high around here none-the-less. 
First embarrassing news hot off the press to spill--I made my first doctor scheduling oopsie today. We drove over an hour to N's appt to find out....it is actually NEXT Tuesday.
What? Seriously? No. Yes? Oh Good gravy!!

So to make it less of a complete waste of gas and time, I went browsing. And I found this--

I had never seen a journal like this before. And N who totally loves any and every kind of journal imaginable would totally heart it!--So I had to get it for her. =)

As I was pondering how I made such a bad oopsie I came to a most ridiculous-but-I'm-gonna-use-it-anyway reason of...I had mintmakingitis.

Uh yeahhhhh, mintmakingitis.
Those are double stacked people. With another couple sheets you cannot see. Although I did not have to make them all myself (thank you Lord) I think the cream cheese and sugar did something to overload my brain.
And yes, they are drying in the empty baby crib. The safest and cleanest place from my pups and the ever so sneaky B who I am watching like a HAWK so he doesn't snag some more. *Caught twice...Uh huh* ;)
This is for a super special party that I will talk about in a later blog post.

And to add to the stress of life right now, we did get more feedback about our adoption progress.
Another birthmother we had shown interest in is coming due here in about 3 weeks.
A girl. Healthy. Most everything of qualities we are looking for...
Birthfather issues. 
Enough that make us uncomfortable --- therefore we denied a match possibility.

Disappointing. Very much so.
So much is going on. I'm tried and I'm stressed.
I'm not much for whining.
I just ask for prayers our way. Amidst our craziness and trying to just keep up with life right now.

And also for better calendars, mine seems to be off by a week. 

Hmmm....Yep exactly one week. ;)


  1. I hope you get the perfect match soon! You have to do what is comfortable for your family. Also, those mints look dee-lish!

    1. Thank you Erin- me too, waiting is the pits. I may have to go have me a mint--they are super dee-lish!

  2. Prayers your way! It'll work out. Also, I want your mints. :/

  3. Aren't the adoptions anonymous so the father wouldn't even know who had the child would he?

    As for the mints, my wife makes those and they are addictive little things!

  4. Yes you are correct they are anonymous but there are very strict rules put in place if he doesn't sign his rights away himself. For example, IF he can prove he provided financial support to the birthmother during the pregnancy (one of 4 main things he must prove in court if he is wanting custody) the adoptive family takes the risk of the baby being taken from them. That way if he provided support, yet she decides to place despite his wishes, he is still "protected" to have rights to his biological child. Which I understand and I respect. This is usually NOT the normal behavior with the birthfathers however....but loosely describes what was going on with this situation. They term it "high risk" and your child AND your fees are in jeopardy of being lost.

  5. Well, I can certainly understand the reluctance to adopt in those situations. Keep doing what your doing and soon the stars will align. Kind of like a couple trying to conceive for years with no luck then just out of the blue one day it happens. My wife and I went through that. It wasn't years of trying no, but we had been trying for months with no luck. We knew we were both very fertile, or at least had been but it wasn't happening this time. We soon just sorta gave up on the idea of another child then several months later, SURPRISE! Good luck and know that when it is right, it will be absolutely right.

  6. Thank you very much Jack ~ I appreciate it! And yes, you are exactly right =) That's why I wanted to start this blog, to help me through all the ups and downs but to also show others the side of adoption. It's much different than what it was years ago, in a good way!! Best of luck to you and thanks for posting! I heart feedback =)

  7. Continuing to pray for your peace of mind through this process. ♥ u
